Why Boxing Might Be the Best Workout You’re Not Doing (And the Myths That Are Holding You Back)
Discover why boxing is the best beginner-friendly workout! Debunk myths, build confidence, and enjoy stress relief with our full-body fitness program at Basic Reflex.
Boxing As A lifestyle
Boxing is more than just a sport, it’s a lifestyle.
Why Is Boxing One Of The Best Sports For Self-Development?
What we really love about boxing is that it’s also incredibly fun and mentally challenging! There are so many elements to the sport, pieces of equipment to play around with, and skills to practice and master that it never gets boring - there’s always something that you can work on.
How Often Should You Train As A Boxer?
We get asked about training frequency all the time, and although the answer depends on your personal goals and fitness background, there are a few things to keep in mind when setting your weekly training schedule!
The Science Behind The Boxing Hook
When learned and executed correctly, the hook is one of the most effective punches you can throw when operating at close to mid-range.
Agility In Boxing
There are many aspects to agility in boxing: the physical & the mental are two that we focus on developing here at Basic Reflex.
How Do Boxers Use The Speed Bag?
Although small in size and tucked away in the corner of the gym, the speed bag (when used correctly) is one of the most important pieces of equipment a boxer can use to sharpen the skills and techniques that could ultimately give them the edge over their opponent.

Mobility In Boxing
Having great flexibility and mobility when boxing allows your muscles to relax and move better, enabling you to maximise your reach when throwing straights, and increase your strength when throwing hooks.

Importance of Sparring In Boxing
Sparring is a super important element to any boxer’s training, as it allows you to apply the skills and techniques you’ve learned in lessons against an opponent.

Reflexes & Mental Agility in Boxing
Being able to react to a novel situation and adapt your strategy - all whilst remaining cool, calm and collected - is the greatest sign of a strong fighter.
Benefits Of Early Morning Work-Outs
Aside from improving your focus, mood, energy levels and decision-making abilities, exercising in the morning also helps you regulate your appetite, make healthier eating choices throughout the day, reduce your blood pressure, and improve your sleeping habits!

What Are The Physical Benefits Of Boxing?
Boxing training sessions are often jam-packed with cardio, core strength, upper-body strength, leg strength, conditioning, agility, mobility, endurance, and reflex exercises. That’s what makes boxing one of the best workouts you can do for cardiovascular fitness, muscle toning and weight loss.
Why Is Defence Important In Boxing?
Defensive training is integral in boxing, including learning how to counter-attack, analyse your opponent, and adapt your strategy based on the situation at hand.

Why Do You Use Combinations In Boxing?
Combinations require a tremendous amount of balance, focus, and agility, so if one of your punches isn’t quite up to scratch, it might throw off the speed and overall effectiveness of the combination.

What Are Dynamic Stretches?
Dynamic warm ups help loosen the muscles, reduce the risk of injury, raise your body temperature, allowing oxygen and blood flow to reach your muscles with greater ease.

Our Teaching Culture
The teaching culture at Basic Reflex is based on students learning fundamental techniques correctly from the outset, accepting the different learning processes of all clients, and correcting mistakes in a patient, constructive way.

Our Coaches
The coaches at Basic Reflex are known for their empathy, patience, and understanding, fixing the mistakes of students in a constructive, supportive way.

Our Community
Our Basic Reflex community is one of encouragement, support and understanding - a home away from home. Without fear of judgement or discouragement, students are supported to reach their full potential and achieve their goals while having a good time along the way.

Personal Training
Personal Trainings are the perfect place for you to fine-tune your technique, ask all the questions you’ve been too shy to ask, correct mistakes you’ve accidentally picked up, focus on all the drills and exercises you enjoy or struggle with, and learn some more complicated moves.